Friday, May 18, 2007

How To Avoid 'Idiot Buddy'

posted on july 17,2006

So as it turns out, I met a very old friend recently. This is a friend who I knew as a kid, who I had totally lost touch with because his family relocated.

One fine day, I get a message from him(lets call him ‘idiot buddy’. Why, you ask? The reasons will soon be clear) on this web community. Of course, I’m excited. Its been such a long time. We exchange messages on this community and generally find out about each other. Idiot buddy’s first irritating quality is revealed. He addresses me as ‘chick’, ‘baby’ etc.Excuse me, but does anyone use such endearing terms(!!) on meeting someone the first time? Never mind, minor issue.
Soon, we are chatting online. Just once or twice. Sure whatever, I say.He’s an old friend.And we are anyway just talking about random stuff. Then idiot buddy asked for my number. About four million times. I was very hesitant but relented finally. Within half a second,he sms-es, 'lets meet up.lets organise a big party!!’ I ignore the message totally. You would think the guy gets the idea.But hey, he aint idiot buddy for nothing. After another day,smsing begins again. ‘lets meet up!’.I come up with a brilliant excuse.'Oh,I fractured my foot,sorry'.He,of course sounds very concerned and promises that we will meet up AFTER i get better...eesh!!!!
I was bugged. So what if he's an old friend. I dont want to meet him,even if its with a big group of people.These days,I'm anti-social.End of story.
The next day,an old friend called.'What happened? I heard about the accident!!'
I was confused.'What accident? I'm superly fine'
'But Idiot Buddy was telling me.....'
And there he was again. I underestimated him,really. If he was back in Bombay,it was obvious he would be in touch with some others from those days.
Damn it all!!
I quickly made up another excuse about how it was a mild sprain,really! My friend didnt buy it,I'm sure. It must have sounded 'lame'...hahaha!!
See, the reason it went so far as it did was because I was too polite about it. Dr L suggests that I be direct about it. As if it were that simple really!!! I mean, if someone ignores me that way and refuses to answer my messages or calls..I'D GET IT!! This guy just doesnt.. I mean, why do you want to be in touch and talk and meet when I'm not interested? Go find someone else.
The next person who messages me saying 'hi,remember me...we were together in...'
will get a reply saying, 'sorry,must be some other Aruna'.

Current situation: i am happy to report that idiot buddy finally got the hint.


voodooboy said...

Ah! Nice to finally see ya on Blogspot! :) ...So when exactly is your sabbatical gonna end? :p

The Black King said...

Eh... there are simpler ways! "You know, my boyfriend has been going to the gym for 5 years and he is in a foul mood these days." --- that should work for sure. :D

ABHISHEK said...

There are some people who would go to nay limits to desperately get anybody's attention.
Anyways kudos to you for taking such a stern stand against such issues.